Author: Dr. Carrie P. Freeman
Carrie P. Freeman, PhD is a Professor of Communication at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She is a critical/cultural studies media researcher who has published articles in over 20 scholarly books and journals on strategic communication for activists, media ethics, environmental communication, and critical animal studies.
In addition to writing The Human Animal Earthling Identity book with UGA Press in 2020, she is the author of a 2014 vegan advocacy book Framing Farming: Communication Strategies for Animal Rights (, and co-edited the anthology Critical Animal & Media Studies: Communication for Nonhuman Animal Advocacy. With Dr. Debra Merskin, she co-authors media style guidelines for respectful coverage of animals at
Dr. Freeman has been active in the animal rights and vegan movement since the mid 1990s, serving as a volunteer director for local grassroots groups in Florida, Georgia, and Oregon, including now being faculty advisor for the GSU student animal rights group PEACE Club. For the last decade, she co-hosts a biweekly environmental radio program and podcast (In Tune to Nature) and is part of the team hosting the animal rights program, Second Opinion Radio, both on Atlanta’s indie station Radio Free Georgia, 89.3FM.
Dr Freeman earned her PhD in Communication & Society from University of Oregon, her Master’s in Mass Media Studies from University of Georgia, and her Bachelor’s (Major: Advertising; Minor: Art) from the University of Florida. She's a native Floridian who now lives with her dog Elliott near family in Atlanta, Georgia.
PHOTO CREDITS: Author portraits (with bike and at the radio station) by Ann Packwood Photography in Atlanta (Carrie's sister-in-law).
Header image is from Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals, featuring Kiska, a lone orca kept in a tank at Marineland Canada, who was kidnapped from her home waters near Iceland.
In addition to writing The Human Animal Earthling Identity book with UGA Press in 2020, she is the author of a 2014 vegan advocacy book Framing Farming: Communication Strategies for Animal Rights (, and co-edited the anthology Critical Animal & Media Studies: Communication for Nonhuman Animal Advocacy. With Dr. Debra Merskin, she co-authors media style guidelines for respectful coverage of animals at
Dr. Freeman has been active in the animal rights and vegan movement since the mid 1990s, serving as a volunteer director for local grassroots groups in Florida, Georgia, and Oregon, including now being faculty advisor for the GSU student animal rights group PEACE Club. For the last decade, she co-hosts a biweekly environmental radio program and podcast (In Tune to Nature) and is part of the team hosting the animal rights program, Second Opinion Radio, both on Atlanta’s indie station Radio Free Georgia, 89.3FM.
Dr Freeman earned her PhD in Communication & Society from University of Oregon, her Master’s in Mass Media Studies from University of Georgia, and her Bachelor’s (Major: Advertising; Minor: Art) from the University of Florida. She's a native Floridian who now lives with her dog Elliott near family in Atlanta, Georgia.
PHOTO CREDITS: Author portraits (with bike and at the radio station) by Ann Packwood Photography in Atlanta (Carrie's sister-in-law).
Header image is from Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals, featuring Kiska, a lone orca kept in a tank at Marineland Canada, who was kidnapped from her home waters near Iceland.